Thursday, February 23, 2017

Zimbra Linux Networking

Zimbra Collaboration Suite Dalam Membangun Web Server Berbasis Linux

Abstract: A Many employees take advantage of a free email such as yahoo mail, google mail and others to communicate and transact among companies and provide information to employees who are in the work area. The use of email as it was a big risk to the security of enterprise data and transactions for the data transmitted at risk for viruses, malware and even worse can be taken by people, and who are not responsible if already infected spam, would result in losses for the company. Build webserver itself is the right solution to solve the problem. Zimbra is an email application server freely licensed which has features that are complete and also the ease of installation and management of the mail server, mail server even though security issues become a major factor. Designing security for the mail server where it is essential to prevent attacks from occurring cracker on computer networks such as port scanning, brute force and viruses. Good security can optimize the performance of the mail server itself. Zimbra has been proven to successfully create a mail server that is reliable, easy and cheap as well as more secure emails coming into or out of the company.

Keywords: mail server, zimbra, e-mail, security

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Implementasi Remote Site Pada Virtual Private Network Berbasis Mikrotik


 The use of flash and email to exchange data is greatly needed for business activities, but the use of email and flash exchanges are generally weak in anticipation of the level of network
security. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a network security technique that works by creating a tunnel to a trusted network can be connected to the existing network outside via the Internet. The technology uses a protocol Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) by means of a remote site
is a solution that can be implemented on the business activities that can provide a means of data transfer and more secure network. From the test results can be proved that by using a VPN network, despite having packet loss of more but has a small round trip and can download data faster then security shows that using a VPN network proved to be more secure.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016



Abstract PT. Anta Citra Arges company engaged in Event Organitation have made the network structure by using computer networks as supporting jobs. However, in the construction of the network was not encountered a server for network management, rely on a router and a firewall that is enabled as a getaway, this condition it is still too vulnerable to disturbances that occur both from within and from outside, and the uneven distribution of bandwidth. Installation of an additional dedicated server as gateaway operating system zentyal that will serve as a firewall and bandwidth management, with the aim to secure access to the Internet by using a powerful firewall, optimize bandwidth management, content blocking potentially dangerous and manage the security of wireless networks, as well as giving the user access Internet safely and quickly. The result is the use zentyal Linux  successfully perform bandwidth management and functioning well in performing firewall.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Support Vector Machine


Abstract—Given Credit Risk in a lease is always there  , So  credit analysis should be done carefully .  if Consumer troubled in paying installment  payments  ,  so  would  be  detrimental  to  the  lease. Therefore, quantitative  and  qualitative  Credit  analyzing  will provide  clarity  for  decision makers  .To  achieve  this  goal,  credit preparations  should  be  done  by  collecting  information  and  data. The quality of   the result of the analysis depends on the quality of Human resources, the data, and analysis techniques . In this research  discussed  regarding the application using support vector machine  (  SVM  ) method  for  determination  of  the  Credit Risk of  Motor  Vehicle  ownership  .  The resulting model  is  then evaluated its performance by calculating accuracy model prediction using  Confusion  Matrix  and  ROC  curve,  obtained  9.78  % accuracy value and AUC value is 0.894. The classification is Good Enough because have  AUC values between from 0.8 to 0.9.

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Jurnal Sistem Informasi :oleh LPPM STMIK Antar Bangsa  (ISSN 2089-8711) Vol.IV No. 1, Februari 2015

Sistem Pakar

Sistem Pakar Minat Dan Bakat Anak Dengan   Multiple Intelligences Berbasis Web Pada  Sdit Mutiara Islam Depok 

Identifying  talents of  children  as  early  as possible  as parents will  surely  find  it helpful because parents can directly lead and guide so that their interests and talents can flourish. So it is with the child,  the  child  can  explore  talents  honed  better  and  also  can  fill  the  days  in  its  path with  an activity  that  is  meaningful  to  him  and  certainly  liked  it.  Therefore  needed  an  expert  system application  that  can  help  figure  it  out.  Application  of  expert  system  is  an  expert  system  that created  the  interest  and  talents  of  children  elucidation web  based.  The  system  uses  a forward search method (Forward Chaining) to determine the child's interests and talents. The theory used is  the  theory  of  multiple  intelligences  (Multiple  Intelligences)  by  Professor  Howard  Gardner. Expert System Application Determination interest and Kids Talent is expected to help in knowing the  interests  and  talents  of  children  as  early  as  possible.  So with  a  system  of  this  application, parents can maximize kemmapuan children, so that children can be multitalented. 
Jurnal Tekno :oleh LPPM STMIK Nusa Mandiri  (ISSN 1978-2136) Vol.IX No. 1, Maret 2013

Sistem Keamanan Rumah

PerancanganSistem  Keamanan  Rumah  Dengan Memanfaatkan Layanan Sms Telepon Selular  

Abstrak: Hadirnya  telepon  bergerak  (seluler)  atau  handphone  yang  telah  dikenal  dan  digunakan  banyak  orang, yang mampu melakukan  komunikasi  di manapun mereka  berada  tanpa  dibatasi  oleh  ruang  dan  rentang  panjang kabel  bisa  menjadi  solusi  bagi  kebutuhan  kemanan  rumah.  Sistem  ini  diharapkan  dapat  membantu  seseorang  untuk   mengawasi   dan   mengontrol    keadaan    rumah,   dengan  memanfaatkan    teknologi   SMS.   Sistem    ini   menggunakan    IP   Camera   dan   4   buah   saklar   yang   berfungsi       sensor   yang   akan   mendeteksi   keberadaan  seseorang   yang    terhubung   dengan   sebuah   Buzzer   dan   LCD.   Sistem   pemrosesan   data   menggunakan   IC  Mikrokontroller   ATmega 162   yang   diprogram   dengan   bahasa   Bascom   melalui   compiler   program  codeVisionAVR.  Sistem  terhubung  dengan Wavecom M1306B  yang  berfungsi  sebagai  mengirimkan  pesan  jika terjadi  suatu  seatu  tindakan  yang  mencurigakan.  Hasil  pengujian  menunjukkan  sistem  dapat  bekerja  secara otomatis  untuk mengirimkan  peringatan      jika  terjadi  bahaya  kepada  seorang  pemilik  rumah  berupa  format  teks tertentu   dalam   bentuk   SMS.   Selain    itu   pemilik    juga   dapat   melakukan   pengontrolan    terhadap   alarm   dan membunyikan buzzer hanya dengan mengirimkan format teks SMS tertentu.  

Proceedings Seminar Nasional Inovasi & Teknologi 2012 LPPM BSI BANDUNG ISBN : 978-602-99213-2-8

model delone and mclean

Efektifitas Pemanfaatan e-Learning Berdasarkan Model DeLone & McLean

Abstrak -- Saat ini banyak Sekolah Menengah Umum yang menggunakan internet sebagai sarana pendukung untuk membantu pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar seperti e-Learning yang dibuat oleh Pemerintah. Penelitian ini  dilakukan untuk menyelidiki seberapa efektivitas pemanfaatan  e-Learning pada siswa SMA. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memberikan kuesioner untuk Siswa SMA, Guru dan Wali Siswa di 5 (lima) wilayah acak di Jakarta yang telah menggunakan Secara umum, model penelitian berdasarkan model Delone & McLean yang telah diperbaharui (2003) dan untuk perbedaan ragam  pengguna e-Learning  didasarkan pada model UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology), yang dikembangkan oleh Venkatesh et al. (2003). Model  akhir yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah model keberhasilan dari sistem Teknologi Informasi yang dikembangkan oleh Delone & McLean yang telah diperbarui (2003) yang menurut penelitian ini adalah variabel meliputi : Variabel Kualitas Layanan  (KL)  berpengaruh langsung terhadap variabel  Intensitas Pemakai  (IP) sebesar  0,15. (15 %), Intensitas  Pemakai (IP) secara langsung mempengaruhi Variabel Manfaat (M) pada 0,43 (43%), Ragam Pengguna (RP) langsung mempengaruhi hubungan Intensive Pemakai (IP) dan Manfaat (M).


Proceedings Seminar Nasional SINAPTIKA 2011 Universitas Mercubuana ISSN : 2086-8251