Monday, March 9, 2015


Faktor Penentu Keberhasilan Siswa Dalam Menerima E-Learning E-Dukasi.Net

Now many high schools that uses the internet as a means of support to assist the implementation of teaching and learning processes such as e-learning are made by government.This study was conducted to investigate the effect Internet self efficacy, perceived enjoyment, ease of use and perceived usefulness  of  high school students  on intention to continue to use e-learning so would cause a behavior to use e-learning is continuously .The method used is by giving questionnaires to high school students in five random areas of Jakarta who had used analysis was performed to assess the relationship of each variable and they constructs research, also investigated the relationship between variables, examining the normality and the validity of all constructs. Model analysis was conducted by Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the program package AMOS 7.0 structural equation, to test the causal hypothesis between constructs and variables and goodness of fit of the model study.Results of the can is internet self efficacy, perceived ease of students in using had significant influence on intention to use e-learning so as to affect the behavior of the use of itself .

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Proceedings Seminar Nasional Inovasi & Teknologi 2011 LPPM BSI ISSN : 978-602-99213-0-4

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